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Portland Maine Reflexologist Lynn Marie Danforth

Hands On Feet

Reflexology is the practice of stimulating points on the feet and hands, in the belief it will have a beneficial effect on some other parts of the body, or will improve general health. The most common form is foot reflexology. Practitioners believe the foot to be divided into a number of reflex zones corresponding to all parts of the body, and that applying pressure to tight or “gritty” areas of a person’s foot will stimulate the corresponding body part and cause it to begin healing itself.

According to one theory, a reflexologist can break up patterns of stress in other parts of the body by applying “technique”: “Pressure applied to the feet generates a signal through the peripheral nervous system. From there it enters the central nervous system where it is processed in various parts of the brain. Then it is relayed to the internal organs to allocate the necessary adjustments in fuel and oxygen, finally a response is fashioned that is sent on to the motor system. This message is fed forward to adjust the body’s tone or overall tension level. Theoretically, if applied properly, the tone will reset itself to a lower operating tempo. A lower operating tempo means a lessening of stress and less wear and tear on the body’s systems.”

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